It's time for change

The Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform want a participatory democracy in which everyone feels they have a meaningful stake. Our vision is of a politics which works to bring our society together. 

We want to replace the First Past the Post voting system with a more proportional system in which all votes count.

The Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform also seeks to campaign on wider constitutional reforms which encourage openness, transparency and accessibility in politics.

A little light reading

By Admin | July 14, 2024

  Since the general election on 4 July, media channels have been buzzing with calls for PR. In case you missed them, here are a few…

Labour admits first past the post is flawed, and GE24 proves it. We need PR

By Admin | July 10, 2024

Labour has gone directly from opposition to governing with a strong majority for only the second time in our party’s history. It’s an outstanding achievement…

Public support for PR is at an all-time high

By Admin | June 19, 2024

A new report from the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) shows that public support for PR among adults in the UK is at an…

The Trade Union Campaign for PR

By Admin | April 19, 2024

In this Compass podcast, Lynne Henderson (Chair of the Electoral Reform Society and Chair of Politics for the Many) and Nancy Platts (Campaign Collective and…