A democratic House of Lords, regional government that works, and reversing the Tories' attempts to disenfranchise voters.
about pr
PR for the House of Commons is LCER's flagship campaign. Without PR, other democratic reforms will be only partially effective.
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LCER is happy to supply a speaker for a meeting of your branch or constituency Labour Party, trade union, or other group.
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Everyone (even people who are very busy indeed) can do something for our campaign. Take a look!
LCER hosts L4ND, a coalition of groups campaigning for Labour to back proportional representation.
about lcer
Read about LCER's history and campaigns; meet the Executive and the L4ND staff.
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news and opinion
Fair Elections in Focus: Parliament Holds Landmark Debate on Proportional Representation
On Thursday 30th January Parliament held a crucial debate on Proportional Representation – the first stand-alone debate on PR in the Chamber of the Commons…
Read MoreWestminster is debating PR on 30th January. Tell your MP to be there.
Westminster will debate Proportional Representation on 30th January. Urge your MP to attend and take part in the discussion. The ‘write to MP’ action for…
Read MoreVoting Reform: Labour’s Unfinished Business
Antony Taylor, Emeritus Professor of Modern British History, traces the history of support for electoral and constitutional reform within the Labour Party, and argues that…
Read MoreMPs with under a third of the vote: Lessons from Papua New Guinea
Democracy campaigners often point to the experiences of countries across the world which have switched from First Past the Post to a more proportional voting…
Read MoreAll Members Meeting
All Members Meeting – November 27th at 19:00 on Zoom Don’t miss our next All Members Meeting, we’ll be discussing some key topics, including: The…
Read MoreLCER – Conference Wrap-up
Join us on Tuesday, 24th September for a special event to wrap up this year’s Labour Party Conference in Liverpool! Event: LCER – Conference Wrap-up…
Read More