Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform

LCER is a network of Labour members and supporters campaigning for a participatory democracy in which everyone feels they have a meaningful stake. Our vision is of a politics which works to bring our society together. 

We are campaigning to replace the First Past the Post voting system with a more proportional system in which all votes count.

We also support wider democratic reforms which encourage openness, transparency and accessibility in politics.


A democratic House of Lords, regional government that works, and reversing the Tories' attempts to disenfranchise voters.

>> Read more

about pr

PR for the House of Commons is LCER's flagship campaign. Without PR, other democratic reforms will be only partially effective.

>> Learn more

request a speaker

LCER is happy to supply a speaker for a meeting of your branch or constituency Labour Party, trade union, or other group.

>> Request a speaker

take action

Everyone (even people who are very busy indeed) can do something for our campaign. Take a look!

>> Take action


LCER hosts L4ND, a coalition of groups campaigning for Labour to back proportional representation.

>> Visit L4ND's website


Books, articles, videos, press cuttings, model resolutions and more.

>> Resources

about lcer

Read about LCER's history and campaigns; meet the Executive and the L4ND staff.

>> Read more

manage membership

LCER members: follow this link to check or amend your membership or subscription details.

>> Membership website

news and opinion

🗣️Today, MPs elect their Deputy Speakers using Proportional Representation.

🗳️ We don't waste MPs' votes with an unfair First Past The Post voting system.

🔥 Why should we waste ours?

If PR is good enough for them, it's good enough for us.


🎪 Great to spend the weekend in the #TolpuddleFestival marquee talking to trade unionists about electoral reform

Over two thirds of Labour's affiliated trade unions now have policy in favour of Proportional Representation

🌹 #Labour4PR @TolpuddleFest

👏 Great to hear @MickWhelanASLEF pushing for radical democratic reform at #TolpuddleFestival

@ASLEFunion are staunch supporters of Proportional Representation

🌹 #Labour4PR @TolpuddleFest

"People are looking at PR through different eyes now. First Past the Post is absolutely straining with the complexity of the modern world"

🌹 @AndyBurnhamGM tells #Labour4PR why democratic reform must be a first order issue

🗳️ To restore trust in politics, we need fair votes

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A little light reading

By Admin | July 14, 2024

  Since the general election on 4 July, media channels have been buzzing with calls for PR. In case you missed them, here are a few…

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Labour admits first past the post is flawed, and GE24 proves it. We need PR

By Admin | July 10, 2024

Labour has gone directly from opposition to governing with a strong majority for only the second time in our party’s history. It’s an outstanding achievement…

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Public support for PR is at an all-time high

By Admin | June 19, 2024

A new report from the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) shows that public support for PR among adults in the UK is at an…

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The Trade Union Campaign for PR

By Admin | April 19, 2024

In this Compass podcast, Lynne Henderson (Chair of the Electoral Reform Society and Chair of Politics for the Many) and Nancy Platts (Campaign Collective and…

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Where to from here? The Discussion

By Admin | March 29, 2024

  What – All Members Discussion – Where to from Here? When – Wednesday 24th April Time – 19:30 Where – Online – Click HERE Where…

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Labour, the Unions and Proportional Representation

By LCER | February 1, 2024

A new article in the Political Quarterly discusses the role of Labour and the Trade Unions in reforming our political system. The article, by Cameron…

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