News and Opinion

We welcome guest articles from members on proportional representation, elections, voting reform and voting systems.

If you have an article of between 200 and 500 words, please paste your article, along with a short author bio of no more than 50 words into the contact form.

Will this finally be PR’s Conference?

By Sandy Martin | September 18, 2021

On Saturday 25th September the 2021 Labour Party Conference gets under way. 144 CLPs have submitted the Labour for a New Democracy (L4ND) motion –…

Winning Locally is a Step Toward PR

By Julie Ward | May 3, 2021

I am standing for election as a local councillor this year because I know that Labour needs to stand candidates and campaign to win in…

Watching what happens in Scotland

By Mary Southcott | May 3, 2021

We have heard much about SNP squabbles and Salmond’s new Alba party. Party leaders debates have been held, the last one on Tuesday, see LCER’s…

Getting into the detail of the Count: D’Hondt and Modified D’Hondt

By Monica Threlfall, PhD | April 21, 2021

 In the UK, one ‘family’ of electoral systems appears to offer solutions to those searching for a more acceptable electoral system for the House of…

Unions will Thrive Under Proportional Representation

By Charlotte Cornell | April 16, 2021

In a spring article for Labour List, John Spellar MP said that “voters in England don’t seem to share the enthusiasm for constitutional affairs of…

Opportunity to discuss voting reform

By Mary Southcott | November 7, 2020

We have in the rest of 2020 opportunities to work with other reform groupings.    Besides the South West trade union meeting on 19 November, on…

Thirty Years On – The Plant Report

By Mary Southcott | September 20, 2020

Once upon a time, thirty years ago to be precise, also at Annual Conference, the Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform won a victory which should…

photo of Elizabeth Tower, London

What the Guardian isn’t telling you about electoral reform

By Labour for Electoral Reform | September 18, 2020

The left-of-centre press in the UK has favoured proportional representation for the best part of a decade – the Independent, the Morning Star, Indy100 have…

What Next?

By Theo Morgan | February 24, 2020

As the dust settles on December’s general election result, we look back at what went wrong and what we do going forward. The election yet again…